DPMC has initiated an ACP Story Map Project to promote informed decision making for the proposed pipelines across the central Appalachian mountains and valleys.
Story Maps provide a means to integrate online GIS maps with text, photos, graphics, and videos to tell a story, make a case, summarize an issue, etc.
Visit the ESRI Story Map Gallery to see examples of Story Maps on environmental and sustainability topics.
Lynn Cameron, DPMC Steering Committee member, has created our first Story Map. See: Unique Shale Barrens Threatened by the ACP
Additional ACP Story Maps are planned, including the following that are currently under development:
Karst Hydrology and the ACP
A Comparative Terrain Analysis for the ACP Route
Forest Fragmentation and the ACP
Critical Zones for Erosion and Sediment Control
ACP Blast Radius and Evacuation Zone
General Versus Individual Permits for the ACP
The Question of Need and Necessity
Visit and like the DPMC Facebook page to learn when new Story Maps are published and to share Story Maps with others.
And consider joining our Story Map Project. We have assembled a Story Map Team to publish Story Maps and provide technical and GIS support on the range of environmental, cultural, and legal problems associated with pipeline construction.
Contact DPMC’s Story Map Team to discuss Story Map ideas and proposals:
Rick Webb; rwebb.dpmc(at)gmail.com
Dan Shaffer; dshaffer(at)abralliance.org
Lynn Cameron; slynncameron(at)gmail.com
Chris Gist; chris.gist(at)gmail.com
Ben Cunningham; silvercunning(at)gmail.com