Continuing the ACP Story Map series:


The Atlantic Coast Pipeline would cause irreversible harm to some of the largest tracts of unfragmented forest in Virginia and West Virginia. These large core forests provide critical habitat for a high biodiversity of species, support valuable ecosystem services, and provide recreational opportunities for visitors to both states. Forest fragmentation threatens all these important values.

The impact of the pipeline on core forests is astounding. The ACP and accompanying access roads would pass through 105 core forested areas in VA and WV, causing the direct loss of 14,786 acres of core forest and reducing large core patches to smaller, less valuable patches, some so small that they effectively cease to serve as core habitat.

Learn more about the value of core forests, the threat posed by the ACP, and actions you can take to help.

Link to the new ACP Story Map here.

Visit and like the DPMC Story Map Facebook Page to learn when new Story Maps are published and to share Story Maps with others.

And consider joining our Story Map Project. We have assembled a Story Map Team to publish Story Maps and provide technical and GIS support on the range of environmental, cultural, and legal problems associated with pipeline construction.

Contact the DPMC Story Map Team to discuss Story Map ideas and proposals:

Rick Webb; rwebb.dpmc(at)
Dan Shaffer; dshaffer(at)
Lynn Cameron; slynncameron(at)
Chris Gist; chris.gist(at)
Ben Cunningham; silvercunning(at)
Kate Wofford; kwofford(at)